Without generous donations from people like you, we would not be able to sustain the mission of the John William Jackson Fund. Thank you for your support!

The John William Jackson Fund is a donor-advised, tax-exempt fund in the Idaho Community Foundation (Tax ID: 82-0425063). ICF is a statewide nonprofit organization composed of more than 600 individual funds, pooled together for efficient management. Total assets at year end 2016 were approximately $160 million. Since its inception in 1988, ICF has made charitable distributions in all 44 counties in Idaho totaling more than $105 million.
More information:
Idaho Community Foundation
210 West State Street
Boise, Idaho 83702
Mail-In Donations
If you’d prefer to donate by mail, please download and complete this donation form, then mail it.
Make check payable to:
John William Jackson Philanthropic Gift Fund or PGJJ
Mail to:
Idaho Community Foundation
210 West State Street
Boise, Idaho 83702
Matching Gifts
If your employer has a matching gift program, your gift to the Fund could double!
Planned Giving
If you would like to speak to someone about incorporating the Fund in your estate planning, please contact us or call 208-890-8503.
Gifts of Stocks
A gift of stock can earn you extra tax advantages. Not only do you get your regular charitable income tax deduction, but you also avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the securities. For more information, please contact us or call 208-890-8503.